The rules are simple: anything an Abraxas Electric employee does on or off the clock that “helps” somebody in a positive and meaningful way counts!  If the employee records the service themselves, they get 1 point per person helped.  If somebody other than the employee records the service, the employee gets 5 points.  Donations also count.  Every dollar donated in some positive and meaningful way counts as 1 point.  At the end of the month, the employee with the most points wins a $100 bonus.    


We have an established, and highly competitive, internal “service” program.  The big goal is to serve 1,000,000 people in a positive and meaningful way over the next three years.  The system to achieve this goal is based on a monthly competition between employees which nets a $100 bonus each month to the person that has served the most people in the name of Abraxas Electric. Target date: June 30th, 2018